Thursday, June 23, 2011

I want to get off now!! June 10th - 28th, 2011

Some pics from the show at Monster Truck Gallery in Dublin.

S Fleming, Closed till further notice (w/ Dropped Ice creams) 2011

S. Fleming, Dropped Ice Creams are tragic II, 2011

S. Fleming, Bunting study, 2011

S. Fleming & J. Cunningham, Rollar coaster installation, 2011

J. Cunningham, wall display

S. Fleming, Loose bolts + roller coasters don't mix, 2011
S. Fleming, Give to Attendant, 2011

S. Fleming, Two cocks (one of two pieces) 2011

J. Cunningham, Parachute Drop 2011

J. Cunningham, Souvenirs 2011

S. Fleming, Big Wheels keep on turning, 2011

S. Fleming, Dropped ice creams are tragic, 2011


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Death Metal at the Venice Biennial and the Peoples History at the Galway Arts Centre

Vancouver artist Steven Shearer will be representing Canada at the Venice Biennial this year. He brings his metal influenced, painting based practise to the (somewhat small and coincidently Italian designed) Canadian pavilion. Shearer works with text, sound, found imagery, ball point pens as well as formal painting to create dynamic multi media shows....which I have only ever read about, having never seen any of his rare Canadian exhibitions. Anyway here is a sampling of his work.

Steven Shearer, Swinging Lumpen, 2002

Shearer, Hairy, 2003

Shearer, Geometric Mechanotherapy cell for Harmonic Alingment
of Movements and
Relations, 2007-08

Shearer (I couldn't find a title for this one)

Simon Fleming, Its Different but the Same Like, 2011

Over here (Ireland) I will be showing along side of Ceara Conway & Roisin Coyle
at the Galway Arts Centre. Opening is Friday June 3rd at 6:00pm