Frank Koolen & the Volvo Ocean Race
Just a quick Gallery update. 126 is showing work by Dutch artist Frank Koolen
A random gathering of art and happenstance.
Just a quick Gallery update. 126 is showing work by Dutch artist Frank Koolen
Well we are into the middle of May over here in Ireland. What does that mean? Well not much really. I had to start the post with something. Had a chance to see the show over at the Galway Arts Centre. They have Lee Welch on two floors. The exhibit is called At the still point of the turning world. Here is a bit from the write up on it.
At the still point of the turning world. offers a constellation of points of reference, provocation and stimulation. Nonetheless, the show is modest in its form, comprising of a small array of carefully selected elements, which have been placed with thoughtful deliberation throughout the gallery space. Materials derived from contemporary phenomena and historic events make up much of this exhibition, including vintage magazine advertisements, rare editions of books and bootleg records. As the title suggests, At the still point of the turning world. offers a quiet and still space for reflection.
It goes on quite a bit. You can read more here. As I was walking through the exhibit I felt I wasn't getting something. The show is very sparse. Books, record sleeves, a magazine ad and so on. If the viewer takes the time to read the write up there is a reference to counterfeit cultural artifacts (relating to certain items in the exhibit),ok fine, but if you don't read the write up how on earth would you pick up on that? How does a person who walks in off the street engage with this show? I felt it was too vague and almost plays to an inclusive art club ego. Who is this for? Not the general public I would argue, or maybe I am not giving the gp enough credit. I admit I was lost trying to access, engage or relate with this exhibit. Any thoughts? I will say that the wall piece was quite good though. Found on the first floor, it plays with one's natural curiosity, but ends up confounding the viewer. Taking up almost all of a small room to the back of the first floor the wall pulls the viewer around to the back where you realise that there is no way to the other side. So you go back to the entrance thinking you missed it back there. Its at this point that you realize there is no access to the other side, no door no entry. Curses! I caught myself smiling at the manipulation. Here are a few rather poor cell/mobile pics of the show.
In the second Floor main room, this had a record player as well as a few pieces on the wall. The record sleeve in this image was a Beatles’ bootleg copy of Indian Rope Trick.
Playing from the record player was Apocalypse Now. Listening to Martin Sheen's spoken diary entries, as he was riding the patrol boat down the river made me want to go out and rent that flick again. I found myself wishing there was a chair or bench so I could sit and listen for longer.
Counterfeit Books
‘pirated’ editions of D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover published in the late 1920’s
So this show is on till the 23rd of May. If you get a chance check it out. Glean your own opinion let me know what you thought.
Here are a couple images of my recent work. The paintings are in progress and a small 3d piece. Its meant to lie on its side. Washed up on shore I suppose, derelict.
Havent titled this little guy yet.
The Grand Re-Opening of 126 and the opening reception for Fergus Byrne's Dog Skipping Pegasus exhibition was a resounding success. I unfortunately fell victim once again to Galway's notoriously bad bus system, and as a result I missed the performance part of the night. All together though we had a great turn out and a wonderful first show. Below are some pics from the night. I will put some pics up of Fergus Byrne's work up in the next couple of days.
Off to the after party...
Kelly Richardson's Twilight Avenger
Now we can focus on other projects . Such as the showing of Kelly Richardson's work for this years Galway Film Fleadh. I cant tell you how excited I am to be able to exhibit her work over here. Not to mention my own grossly neglected projects. Anyway that is the update so far.
So I thought I would throw up a pic or two of the new space. We are officially re-opening on Sat 09 2009 with a show of recent work by Fergus Byrne. The place looks amazing. It has come such a long way from when we first saw it. Jim Ricks, Dave Callan, and Alwyn Revill all putting in a tremendous amount of time and effort. Grand re-opening this Sat. see you there.
Early Stages
Walls up
Floors done
Illustration, Sheridan College, Oakville, ON
Fine Art, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON,
Selected Solo Exhibits
2008 Axis Contemporary Art,
2006 Axis Contemporary Art,
The Bookshelf Ebar Art Space,
2004 The Bookshelf Ebar Art Space,
Black Mustard,
2000 Planet Bean,
Selected Group Exhibits
2009 Public Platform Inclusion; Turn-Berlin, Berlin, Germany (upcoming)
This Must Be The Place; IMOCA, Dublin, Ireland (upcoming 126
2005 Dialogo; Museo Regional, Cultural Ministry of Iquique,
A Random Gathering of Creative Sorts II; Catch 23 Gallery & The
2004 A Random Gathering of Creative Sorts I; The Bookshelf Ebar Art Space,
2002 Day sleeper; Ed Video,
Juried Exhibits
2001 Toys;
Art Festivals
2007 Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, Gladstone Hotel,
2006 International ExpoArt Festival
2005 Queen West Art Crawl,
2002 Junction Arts Festival,
Art in the Park,
2007 Toronto Features-Nuit Blanche 2007, Dwight Friesen, CBC
Would you like some art with that?
2005 We find human nature, and ourselves, reflected in portraits, Vaughn
2004 Old family slides inspires Simon Fleming’s paintings, Vaughn Barclay
2000 Growing with Art, Noel Webb
Echo Weekly, November 02-08, 2000
Additional Items
2009 Board Member
126 Artist-run Gallery
Galway, Ireland
Gallery Representation
Axis Contemporary Art
107, 100 – 7 Ave. SW,